Real Estate Attorneys Handle Residential, Commercial and Industrial Property Transactions

Our real estate attorneys have been handling real estate transactions in Windham County since the 1980s. We are familiar with the residential, commercial and industrial properties in Windham County and beyond. We know the people who work at the local title companies, lenders, brokers and agents who represent the properties in our area. There are several real estate law firms in northeast Connecticut, but few who provide the well-rounded law services that we offer. This provides our real estate clients with business, estate planning, elder law and probate law practices all under one roof for one-stop service offered by no other northeast Connecticut law firm.
We practice law in many Connecticut counties including Dayville, Hartford, New London, Tolland, Vernon and Windham.
Our Real Estate Attorneys Can Help You with Residential Real Estate Transactions
Purchasing a home or condominium may be the single largest financial transaction of a family. Once the home is found, the detailed work of financing and titling commence. Many people ask if they need a real estate attorney, since they already have an agent. In Connecticut, the answer is yes. A real estate attorney is essential in Connecticut to verify that the property title is valid, that the property is clear of liens, and that the transaction is ready to proceed. Beyond these basics, there is much more that a real estate attorney can do to help a family make the best deal.
We understand that real estate transactions often do not happen according to schedule. There are a lot of moving parts including contracts, negotiations, buyers, sellers, open houses, lenders, title companies, etc. We are available to our clients to assist them when things go sideways, protecting rights and hopefully, providing a steady hand when it’s time to navigate through rough waters.
Our real estate attorneys have represented thousands of real estate buyers and sellers in Windham County and beyond. The laws regarding real estate are the same throughout Connecticut, but the practices vary among the regions. We are very familiar with the various residential real estate practices in Connecticut. This helps us guide our clients through the myriad of elements and entities of real estate including mortgage lenders and brokers, real estate agents and brokers, relocation companies, buyers and sellers, home refinancers, and investors with non-owner occupied homes.
Our Real Estate Attorneys Can Help First Time and Seasoned Home Buyers Achieve the Best Outcomes
Residential sales have risen steadily in the past few years. Lower mortgage rates are pushing many first time home buyers to wonder if now is the time for them to step forward and bite the bullet. We can safely say that these trends will continue. Some underwriters are starting to ease their standards for buyers with clean financial histories.
With the rise in student loan debt in the U.S., some first time buyers don’t have the savings amount deemed necessary for purchasing a home. Many are unable to compete in the current housing market where many buyers are offering all cash deals in order to compete successfully in a market with too few home products. At the very least, a first time home buyer should review his/her credit history and clean that up. It is advised that a 20 percent down payment be available in liquid assets. The first time home buyer’s debt-to income ratio is an important consideration. That means maybe passing on the purchase of a new car before the home purchase in order to keep debt low before the credit history is reviewed by a mortgage company.
Many first time home buyers consult the internet to learn about loan information and home values. Such a self-education tactic can hurt they buyer who may experience misunderstandings over fees, terms of ownership costs, type of home loans, interest rates, and origination fees. Online home values can create a false sense of home values, which is a disservice to home buyers with little real estate experience.
We help first time home buyers wade through the complexities and details of the home buying experience. It takes a trained eye and an experienced counselor to help all home buyers understand the details of their home buying decisions. Our goal is a better outcome, whether the home buyer is inexperienced or not.
Windham County Commercial and Industrial Real Estate Attorneys
The purchase, sale, lease or like-kind exchange of commercial real estate involves a host of legal and business issues. That’s why our firm has both real estate and business attorneys to help our clients deal with the challenges. Our experience with the execution of commercial real estate documentation is extensive and includes, but is not limited to, real estate and business contracts, closing documents, title searches, deed preparation, mortgages and refinancing, interim and permanent loans, surveys, insurance, environmental regulation, appraisals, feasibility studies, etc. Additionally, we also handle land use studies, land conservation easements, land trusts, etc. We guide our clients through the process to help them have peace of mind during the turmoil that is often involved in commercial real estate transactions.
Our Real Estate Attorneys Can Help with Project Development and Execution
From land planning through the completion of construction, we can handle your legal needs. This includes but is not limited to landuse studies, feasibility studies, regulatory permit applications, historic reports studies, call for proposals and submittal evaluations, contract awards, contract preparation and negotiations, permits, project schedule performance, municipal reviews and signoffs, titles, final financing agreements, and occupancy permitting. Whatever is necessary, we are available to handle the legal and business aspect of any local project.
Seasoned Advice, Timely Service, Clear Communications Thoroughness and Accuracy in all Real Estate Transactions
Whether your real estate transaction involved a family-owned business, an industrial facility rehabilitation, an office building remodel, or the upgrading of an historic structure, we are you best consultant. We can be with you during the planning phase, design and construction, and final building department signoff. We can handle most any situation, from regulatory permitting to final walk-through and sign-off. When results matter, experience counts. Call us to discuss your real estate challenge.
Ownership Transition Can be Organized or a Mess
Many family owned businesses are dependent upon the hard work and vision of the founding member. Family owned business succession planning is a choice. The founding member can leave a proud legacy with a planned exit strategy. Or, the need can be ignored until the founding owner passes away and the business becomes embroiled in probate court. There are three main steps to successfully transferring a business: an exit plan, implementation of that plan, and the follow-through required to keep the business operating under the new owner. We help businesses with their ownership transition issues and solutions.
Let's Get Started - Reach Out to Us
We practice law in all Connecticut counties including Windham, Tolland, Litchfield, Hartford, Middlesex, Fairfield, New London and New Haven; we also practice law in New York and Massachusetts. To learn more about the many elements of our real estate law practice and how we might help you, connect with us today by clicking here Contact Us to find the form on this website. Fill it out and send it in. Or just call us at 860.928.2429.