Connecticut Estate Planning Attorneys – At Your Service with Special Client Plans

Our Client Access Program offers access to our legal team within a one-day response time.

As our lives proceed, our situations change. People get married and divorced, relatives pass away, babies are born, children are adopted, sons and daughters graduate and go off to college, we buy and sell real estate, we change jobs and open new retirement accounts – life happens. As we evolve through life, so also must our estate plans be revised to reflect our current situation and new legislation. Your estate plan should be reviewed and updated periodically.  Our program shifts the burden of estate plan reviews and updates to us. As a member of the Client Access Program, you can rest assured that your estate plan will evolve with you. 

There are many aspects to our Client Access Program. Below, we have highlighted some of the topmost features of the special service.

Our Estate Planning Attorneys Have a Family Care Plan called Safeguarding Tomorrow

There are many reasons why this plan is good for your family. As our lives proceed, our families evolve. People get married and divorced, relatives pass away, babies are born, children are adopted, students graduate and go off to college, we buy and sell real estate, we change jobs, and open new retirement accounts – life happens. As families evolve, so also must their estate and financial documents be revised to reflect their current situations and new legislation.

Our plan – Safeguarding Tomorrow – shifts the heavy lifting to us. As a member of our Safeguarding Tomorrow plan, you can rest assured that your estate and financial documents will evolve with your family. Not only that, but as a crisis arises that demands our immediate attention, we will respond accordingly. We want to be a part of your family as a trusted ally and friend, to be a safe harbor, so to speak. 

There are many aspects to our Safeguarding Tomorrow plan. Below, we have highlighted some of the major features of this ongoing care plan.  

The Goal of our Estate Planning Attorneys is to Give You Peace of Mind

The goal of our Safeguarding Tomorrow plan is to give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you and your family will have our support when you need us most. When you join this plan, you will have ongoing access to our team. We are readily available to answer your questions during business hours via phone, email or in person. Upon your request, a priority appointment will be scheduled with a member of our team as soon as possible. When a crisis occurs, such as a death, injury or illness that results in a hospital or nursing home admission, or a change in metal or physical status that results in the immediate need for care, we will be there to help you. All you need do is call.

Ongoing Educational Services for You, Your Family Members and Trusted Advisors

To keep you informed, we will send a quarterly newsletter featuring articles and discussions of topics pertinent to you and your family, such as asset protection, retirement and estate planning.

We will provide a consultation with the people you have entrusted to carry out your plan, such as a trustee, successor trustee, executor, healthcare agent, or the person to whom you have authorized your power of attorney.

We will invite you, your family members, helpers and trusted advisors to attend our fireside chats and coffee hours where will provide the latest information on estate planning, legal updates, trends and other topics we think may be of interest.

Our Estate Planning Attorneys Provide an Annual Review of Your Assets and Situation

On an annual basis, we will review your family situation, your assets, your estate documents and your asset protection plan. If you have a trust, we will ensure it is properly funded and the beneficiary designations are updated and coordinated with the overall estate plan. If you are receiving Medicaid – Title XIX benefits, we will assist with the ongoing qualification update.

Legislative Updates and Document Updates by Our Estate Planning Attorneys

Just as our lives evolves, the laws change as well. As a member of our Safeguarding Tomorrow plan, at no additional charge, we will:
  • Notify you when the laws change;
  • Update your documents accordingly;
  • When you have a simple change to your documents, such as a name, address or fiduciary, we will make those changes to your documents.

Our Estate Planning Attorneys Host Your Family Meeting

We will host a family meeting to provide an opportunity for you and your trusted family members and professional advisors to sit down with us to discuss your plan, so everybody understands it. Questions to or from your professional advisors can be answered. This provides a platform for identifying any potential issues or problems that should be addressed.

Additional Member Benefits

When you join our Safeguarding Tomorrow plan, you join our family. Some additional benefits of membership include:
  • You will have online access to you documents through the Client Portal on our website.
  • If you need legal services beyond what our team provides, we will offer referrals to other professionals we know and trust.
  • You will be invited to social and educational events that we host.

Let's Get Started - Reach Out to Us

We practice law in many Connecticut counties including Dayville, Hartford, New London, Tolland, Vernon and Windham. To learn more about how Safeguarding Tomorrow plan might help you achieve more peace of mind, connect with us by clicking here Contact Us. Fill out the form our website and send it in. Or just call us at 860.928.2429.